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State of Hawaii - Department of Health - Adult Mental Health Division
(808) 675-0093
Member Testimonies
"The Waipahu Aloha Clubhouse is the best thing that has happened for me."
"It is like ohana here at the Clubhouse."
"There is positive energy at Waipahu Aloha Clubhouse"
"Join us! Build relationships with one another!"
"The food is good!
"The staff care about the members here at Waipahu Aloha Clubhouse!"
"This is a place where I feel safe and accepted."
"Being at the Waipahu Aloha Clubhouse means that I can find many things I love to do - typing, computers, etc.; make good wonderful friends; get respect from my superiors (the staff, social workers, and directors, etc.), enjoy all kinds of splendid activities like going to Pau Hana places (restaurants, shopping centers, parties, etc.). Most of all having the freedom to be my normal self all over again because of these many opportunities."
"The Clubhouse has helped find a job I enjoy and I have been doing it since Jan 2006!"
Members Testimonies: Quote
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